To live in a place that is very hot and survive at their place is very challenging. Then imagine how you can survive there. Welcome to the nlog in which you will get to know about the hottest places on the Earth. To live in the hottest place is very challenging and people should take a lot of precautions to live there. The main reason for the hot and humid climate is that those places are located near the desert and near the equator. In this blog post we will know about the hottest places.
1 Death Valley, California

Death Valley is a place in California, this is the hottest and driest place in North America that reached the hottest temperature on 10 July 1913 and created the world record with 57° celsius (134°F).
Death valley is the driest place and has an average rainfall of less than 2 inches.
Recent Temperature
In 2024 Death valley approx temperature is 40°-45° C and the highest temperature reached at 54° Celsius.
Death Valley’s average air temperature is 49° Celsius (120°F).
2 Mitribah, Kuwait

Mitribah, Kuwait is one of the hottest places in Asia. As per the record of the world Meteorological organization recorded the highest temperature on 21 July 2017 in Asia, 53.9° Celsius (129.0°F).
Recent Temperature
In Mitribah daily temperature in Summer is approximately 45°C. Mitribah is an arid desert climate with long, hot and dry summers.
WMO (world Meteorological organization) confirms about the highest temperature in Asia and the second highest temperature in the world.
3 Turbat, Pakistan

Turbat, Pakistan is also one of the hottest places where the high temperature is above 103°F. June is one of the hottest months in Summer 109°F. WMO verifies that 28 May 2017 is the hottest day in Pakistan and records the third highest hottest place in the world.
Recent Temperature
Turbat has an average temperature of 111.9°F. From April to September Turbat is the hottest place and in the season of winter the average temperature is 83°F. January is the coolest month having an average temperature of 55° F to 77°F.
4 Oodnadatta, Australia

Oodnadatta is the place in Australia that recorded the highest temperature in Australia of 50.7° Celsius(123°F) in January 1960. In 1960, this heat wave caused several deaths and illness to the people.
Recent Temperature
Last year, the average summer temperature of the oodnadatta was 40° to 45° Celsius in the time period of May to August.
In winter, the average temperature of the place is 23.2°C to 38.3°C.
5 Ahvaz, Iran

Ahvaz is one of the hottest places in the world. Ahvaz reaches a temperature of 45° Celsius. The city has a hot desert climate.
Average Temperature
Azvah’s average temperature is 105°F. July is the hottest month with high ranges of 114°F to 86°F. Sometimes the temperature of Azvah reached 50° Celsius. Sandstorms and dust storms commonly occur during the summer period.
6 Wadi Halfa

Wadi Halfa is a place situated in Sudan that can be very hot in Summer and in winter the temperature is like an average temperature to the other countries. Maximum Temperature in Wadi Halfa is 42° Celsius and in winter the highest temperature is 24° Celsius in January.
Average Temperature
At the time of night Wadi halfa monsoon is cool in winter but in summer people avoid going outside, there is desert like condition with no rainfall. Average temperature is 39°Celsius to 42° Celsius.
7 Aziziyah, Libya

As per the reports of Aziziyah Libya records the highest temperature was 58° Celsius on 13 September 1922 but the WMO World Meteorological organizations denied the report and deemed invalid to the record, these records deemed due to the invalid accuracy of that time.
Climate of Aziziyah
In Aziziyah theonsoon is very hot and dry, the rainfall assurance is very low. The desert is very hot in the day and cold at night.
8 Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand often suffers from an average temperature of 35° Celsius to 40° Celsius. Bangkok comes under one of the most humid and hottest places in the world according to the world Meteorological organization.
Average Temperature
March to June are the most humid months in Bangkok. 30°C to 40°C temperature ranging in the summer season. July to October the temperature ranges from 27°C to 34°C. November to February the temperature ranges from 23°C to 39°C. It is one of the most humid places in the world.
9 Huoyan Mountain, China

Huoyan Mountain is located in China and thisountain considered as the hottest place on the earth. This place reaches the temperature at 68°Celsius and some of the sources stating that this mountain also can hit the temperature at 80°Celsius.
This mountain is also known as the flaming mountain and considered as an extremely hot place. This mountain is located in China.
10 Kebili, Tunisia

Kebili is also one of the hottest places in the world with the temperature ranges at 55°Celsius on 31 July 1931 but the meteorologist organization disputes the record.
Kebili is the hottest place in Southern Tunisia. As per the record of meteorologist organisation it ranges to 48° Celsius with the highest temperature in Kebili.
The hottest places on the earth are having extreme temperatures and these hottest places can lead to death and illness. These places have a unique landscape with dramatic landscapes from sand dunes to rocky outcrops. To live in the place is very challenging, the harmful heat waves and the water scarcity leads to several illnesses.
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