India is the most populated country in the world. It will become one of the rowdy countries with lots of crime in lots of places that make it unsafe for people to live there. India is the number one country in the world which has the most population and this population leads to the most crime reports. This article delve you to know about the most unsafe or rowdy places that having the most highest crime reports whether they are of Rape cases, Murder cases and terrorist attack you will get to know about all the details briefly.
1 Delhi

Delhi is the Capital of India and unfortunately Delhi is the most rowdy place that makes people feel unsafe. Most of the rape cases,urder cases happen in Delhi by that the people those lived in Delhi feels unsafe there. This is the most crowded place and that is the main reason for most of the crimes.
- Rape cases in Delhi : If we talk about rape cases, we will think firstly about the Nirbhaya Gang rape case that was happened in 2012. On 16 December 2012, Jyoti singh pandey (Named as Nirbhaya after gang rape for her fearless fight) and her male froend went from the movie in night and in bus the bus driver and including five other members raped her brutally, and thrown away from the bus naked and bleeded. On 20 March 2020, all the rapists were sentenced to death.
- Murder cases : Rates of murder cases are too high to manage. Every year there are lots of murder happens. In 2024, there were 504 murders in Delhi.
- Crime Rates : As per the report of the 2022 crime rates are increasing day by day in Delhi almost 1952 crimes happen to over 100,000 people.
2. Kochi

Kochi is the second highest city in India where crime rates are happening in a very large amount. As per every year, crime rates are happening in large amounts. As per the reports there are mostly rape cases and kidnapping happen in the city.
- Crime rates : As per the report of 2024, almost 626.7 over 100,000 crimes happening per year. After 2022, crime rates increased from 70.1 to 626.7 per 100,000.
3. Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest and most populated states in India where the rate of population is very high. Due to the population crimes happening in very large amounts with the women, kidnapping, domestic violence and more.
- Crime rates : As per the latest news there are 278.2 per 100,000 people. In 2018-2021 there were almost 585,157 IPC and SLL crimes committed in Uttar Pradesh.
4. Jharkhand

Jharkhand is the major state where lots of murder and dowry cases are happening in the state due to lots of murder happening in the state and turning into a state where life is becoming hard to live.
- Crime Rates : Jharkhand is one of the major states where most of the cases are related to the dowry registered in the police station. In 2022, murder rate was almost 4 per 1 lakh people and this is the 2.1 national average.
5. Bihar

Bihar is the state where rape cases or crime against women are less but Bihar having the lots of crimes against frogery, fraud, bribery and more cases registered every year. In this year Bihar takes control of their crimes.
Crime rates : In Bihar there are mostly cases about bribes, fraud, murder cases happening. As per the recent reports, Bihar has almost 50,000 crimes registered in SLL.
6. Punjab

Punjab has been decreasing in crime in recent years. In past few years Punjab having lots of Criminal cases but in recent years Punjab arrested several gangs in huge amount, almost 17,198 criminals arrested that are related to the kidnapping, murders and other cases. Crime rates decreased, 6322 to 6230 in last year.
7. Indore

Indore is one of the most beautiful cities in India. Indire is also one of the major city where several crimes happening that are happening against kidnapping, women, rape and murder. Crime against women is one of the major crimes that are happening against women.
- Crime rates : According to the reports, in 2024, 1402 crime cases were happening against women as compared to 2023 crime rate was 1426. Rape cases are also happening in the large amount in Indore.
8. Patna

Patna is the one of the most happening crime rate cities where most of the murder cases are happening. Almost 6.3 murders happen per lakh people.
- Cases : In Patna every year several cases are registered in the police station and FIR lodged against several cases such as Murder cases, robbery, Bulgari, theft and many more.
- Crime rates : Patna is known for lots if murder and other crimes. Cyber crime rates are also very high in the city which is almost 37.06%. Forgery, fraud and cheating cases are almost 88.4%.
9. Mumbai

Mumbai is the city of dreams where people come from several places to achieve their dreams in different fields. At one time Mumbai was one of the major cities where crime rates are the most but now crime rates are decreasing slowly but at some point crime rates are high.
- Types of Crime : There are different types of crime happening in Mumbai such as property crime, violent crime, crime against children and women, cybercrimes and corruption and bribery.
- Crime rate : In 2022, Mumbai is one of the major cities where crime rate happening the most, as per the reports, almost 64%. In 2023, crime rates decreased to 34.8%.
10. Rajasthan

Rajasthan is one of the state where crimes against womens are in the high amount. In rajasthan there is dowry, domestic violence, rape cases are the most happening cases and the rate in increases in Rajasthan.
- Crime Rates : In rajasthan, crime rates increased to 56,000 im just five years. There rape cases also increased rapidly and occur in the top ten crime place in India.
Rowdy places are those places where the crime rates are high and in India there are lots of places that are high in crime rates and the main reason for this factor is day by day increasing population that is growing rapidly. These places are the challenging places to live life safely, safety concerns always matter at those places.
Rape case, Murder case and there are several crimes that are going on in the nation. To stop these crimes lots of things need to be changed such as the thinking of the people, effort by the society, improved governance system and many more things that are helpful to change the situation in India.